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The weather was spectacular on this sunny June day: sunny and warm. Fantastic weather for hikers and spectators, but another hot, dry and dusty day on the Dipsea course.
Even with their "winner's penalty minutes," previous Dipsea champions Melody-Anne Schultz, Russ Kiernan, and Jamie Berns all left the starting line well before perennial top-3 finisher Roy Rivers, but Roy managed to work his way up to the front, surprising a lot of Dipsea prognosticators, to take this year's trophy with an actual time of 53:23, the sixth fastest time in the race.
Three-time Dipsea champion Russ Kiernan came in second place, and Hans Schmid, despite having run a high-altitude marathon the previous week, came in just behind Russ in third place.
For the third year in a row, Mark McManus finished with the best actual time on the course, 50:33, finishing in fourth place. And three-time Dipsea champion Melody Anne Schultz rounded out the top 5.
There were a lot of newcomers to the top 35 this year; fully one-third of them did not earn the coveted black shirts in 2007. And four high school students earned black shirts this year, possibly on their way to becoming future Dipsea winners.
Final Results by Order of Finish
Final Results in Alphabetical Order
Final Results by Starting Group
Click here to view the 2008 Dipsea Race Photo Scrapbook
Winner: | Roy Rivers | 53:23 | (6 Minutes Head start) |
2nd Place: | Russ Kiernan | 1:08:07 | (19 Minutes Head start) |
3rd Place: | Hans Schmid | 1:08:30 | (19 Minutes Head start) |
4th Place: | Mark McManus | 50:33 | (1 Minute Head start) |
5th Place: | Melody Anne Schultz | 1:11:59 | (22 Minutes Head start) |
Mark McManus | 4th Place | 50:33 | (1 Minute Headstart) |
Sara Donahue | 8th Place | 58:31 | (8 Minutes Headstart) |
Eric Olsen | 14th Place | 54:37 | (3 Minutes Headstart) |
Novato High School - Novato, CA |
Winner: | Roy Rivers | 53:23 | (6 Minutes Head start) |
2nd Place: | Russ Kiernan | 1:08:07 | (19 Minutes Head start) |
3rd Place: | Hans Schmid | 1:08:30 | (19 Minutes Head start) |
4th Place: | Mark McManus | 50:33 | (1 Minute Head start) |
5th Place: | Melody Anne Schultz | 1:11:59 | (22 Minutes Head start) |
1. | Sara Donahue | 8th Place | 58:31 | (8 Minutes Headstart) |
2. | Stephen Donahue | 20th Place | 52:23 | (0 Minutes Headstart) |
Ty Strange | 590th Place | 57:31 | (4 Minutes Headstart) |
"Leadership, Dedication and Sportsmanship" |
Jack Vogensen, Dipsea Race Volunteer |
"Extraordinary Effort in the Dipsea" |
Don Ritchie | 607th Place | 1:36:12 | (13 Minutes Headstart) |
Homer Latimer |
Winner 1976, 50:03 (5 Minutes Handicap) & 2nd Fastest Time |
Cody Chapman - Tamalpais High School, Mill Valley, California |
Samantha Creath - Redwood High School, Larkspur, California |
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