The 2002 Dipsea Scrapbook
Russ Kiernan handily wins his second Dipsea victory.
Shirley Matson, 2000 and 2001 Dipsea champion, finishes a strong second.
Roy Rivers holds on to finish in third, only seconds ahead of Christopher Phipps, who finished with the fastest actual time.
Barry Spitz, the official Dipsea Announcer and Historian.
Edda Stickle, a Dipsea Race Director, has a strong finish.
Unfortunately, the warm, dry conditions on race day led to a few serious injuries.
It's Jack Kirk cresting Cardiac Hill at 10:45 in the morning, a time when most of the runners have already crossed the finish line. He's greeted by Trail Captain Ken Kroll as one of the sweeps uses her cell phone to report Jack's progress to the announcer at the finish line.
Jerry Hauke
A Gallery of Dipsea Volunteers
2002 Starting Crew
The burley boys
Brad Gulko and Tina White
Bill's cool cooking crew
Please step out of the race now...
She fits to a tee
Our prize trophy wrangler